Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spring Lawn Care Tips

The calendar says it's spring, but the weather doesn't in many parts of the United States. It's still time to think about spring lawn care, though, even if it isn't time to actually do much spring lawn care. Here's what you should be 
thinking about in order to get your lawn off to a good start this spring.

Get out the Mower
Take your mower out of winter storage and prep it for spring use. Make sure that the blades are sharp, that there's fresh gasoline and fresh oil in the tanks and a clean or new air filter. You'll probably have to re-connect the spark plugs. (You might consider new spark plugs at this point.) If the mower needs any servicing, get it in to be looked at now before the shops get busy. (It could be too late for that in some areas!)

Clear the Lawn
If the grass has started growing again and you need to mow start by doing a walk around of the lawn and picking up any sticks, rocks, or other debris that might have fallen on the lawn during the winter. You don't want to dull your sharp new mower blade right off the bat! Also, running over rocks or twigs with the lawnmower can be dangerous.

Scout for Weeds
Were winter weeds a problem this year? Now is the time to remove them (before they go to seed) to prevent the same weeds from coming back next year. Use post-emergent herbicide or hand-dig any weeds that have taken over the lawn.

Overseed Thin Areas
Late March and early April are good times to overseed cool-season lawns to thicken thinning turf areas. Now is also a time to identify and repair damage from the winter.

Wait for the Lawn to Drain
Before bringing any heavy equipment onto the lawn, wait for it to drain. Mowing, walking on, or driving on a wet lawn can compact the soil, which will impair grass growth in the future.

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